
If you don’t have time to read the entire report here’s a snapshot of the story...

There is a better and simpler way of swinging the golf club. You can hit the ball further and with greater consistency while reducing the stress and strain on your body. Unfortunately, most of what you’ve been told to do goes against your natural instincts and makes learning a better swing extremely difficult. But there is a better way and it’s almost foolproof.

In the rest of this document I’m going to go deeper. What you’re about to read comes after 20 years research into the game, including a major biomechanical study into the golf swing and over 1 . 5 million words written about the improvement process (700+ articles and 12 books).

Some of what you’re going to read will sound counter-intuitive and “against the grain”.

Other information will sound logical and nothing more than common sense.

Experience tells me that you’ll ignore this advice. You may already assume you’re doing a lot of what you read but the chances are you’re not. The point here is simple:

If you apply what you’re about to learn you will make a breakthrough.

You will hit better shots
You’ll simplify (and enhance) your golf swing
Golf will feel easier
You’ll shoot lower scores
You’ll feel more confidence
You’ll unlock your real potential
You’ll play more consistently
You’ll tap into your inner power reserves
You’ll reduce the stress and strain placed on your body
You’ll be better able to take your swing to the golf course

Reading the information is only the first step. Read everything. Think about it. Sleep on it. But at some point you’re going to need to step outside with a golf club and apply what you’ve learned.

This is the only way. There really are no magic pills when it comes to the improvement process. It can be slow and at times painful. But no matter how long it takes, you’ll do it far more quickly than the alternative. Typical instruction often sets you up to fail and is a never ending journey of frustration and poor scores.

One final point: All sorts of people in all corners of the world play golf. For ease of writing this report is written for a right-handed male player. Just to confuse matters, I happen to be left handed, and have included some images of me. Please forgive any confusion.

The Science Of Golf

Understanding the mechanics of the golf swing was important to me. I really had no idea about what constituted good swing mechanics and things got worse because there was so much conflicting advice pertaining to the swing;

Some coaches were saying power comes from the big muscles while others were telling me to hit with the hands.
Some coaches were saying to swing on an upright swing plane, yet others were saying to swing flatter.
Some were saying to swing the club while others were saying to HIT the ball.
I got told to swing with the hips while some pros were telling me to swing with the shoulders.

It was all really confusing and despite taking lots of lessons I was none the wiser. My golf hadn’t improved in years and I was past the point of frustration. I was fed up and wanted some definitive answers.

So it’s fair to say the opportunity to get involved in a biomechanical study of the swing was a timely one. My mission was to find the real answers to the most efficient swing possible and then use that information to improve my own game. It was a selfish mission as helping others wasn’t really on the radar at this time. My true love of coaching would come a little later.

Here are just a few of the questions I had for the scientific team;

What is the best grip to use?
Where does power come from?
How do I start the club away correctly?
What is the ideal swing plane?
How can I cure a slice (or hook, shank or topped shots)?
How can I hit the ball further?
Is there a better way to start the club down?
Can I make the swing simpler so there’s less stress place on my body?
Are there any “real” secrets of the swing that can give me a massive advantage?