UnF*ck Your Golf Swing Book Reviews

Below you'll find just a sample of the reviews and testimonials I've received for my UnF*ck Your Golf Swing book (eBook, hardcopy and audiobook). If you want reviews, you'll find plenty of them below.

"Your book has helped me clear my head and helped me find my swing... It's incredible. I tell everybody about I can. It's fun to play golf and not think about swing positions"

Robert K, United States

Here's what golfers are saying about UnF*ck Your Golf Swing Book

I had to share this with you…. I have been golfing now for almost 8 months and am currently a 20 handicap. A little about me, 50 year old retired veteran of the US Army. Was a former college and professional athlete (many years ago), so there is some athletic ability still in these bones.

Since I took up golf in January I have eat, slept, and breathed golf. Everyday watching videos and working on my swing. The problem is that I would find success with one thing and lose another. All this time I have felt that I must be doing something wrong because the concept of golf doesn’t seem overly complicated. Repeat a successful motion, however; I simply could not seem to shoot below my handicap.

I bought your book and read it this week. Worked on some of the concepts, but more importantly committed to eliminating the countless swing thoughts I have when I play. Today, the first time out since reading your book, I shot my lowest round ever (86) and to be honest, I left some strokes out on the course. It was easily my most enjoyable round and I simply let my body’s innate ability to strike the ball, do its work.

I am beyond amazed at the functional application of the principles you discuss in your book. Heading out tomorrow to go again. I have re-found the excitement I first had when I started earlier this year and I feel like the sky is the limit. Thank you kind sir!

Don W


I hope you're enjoying your day, because I'm *trying* to enjoy mine after reading your *silly* book. I’m not thrilled, to say the least. Sure, I’ve only read it once and haven’t exactly "put in my time" with all the drills, but I’m already seeing a difference, and frankly, I’m not happy about it.

You see, I used to treasure my time communing with nature—greeting the squirrels, bugs, birds, and occasionally a snake as I hunted for my wayward tee shots. That was my peaceful time to chat with Jesus about why my golf game needed divine intervention. But now, after just three rounds, I’ve only had two nature walks. TWO! Instead, I’ve found myself in this unfamiliar territory called “the middle of the fairway.” And this other odd concept called “greens in regulation”—what even is that? It’s giving me a headache just keeping up with these things.

And don't get me started on the humor—or lack thereof. I used to be the comic relief of the group, what with all the laughter from my playing partners. But now? All I hear is, “nice shot.” One guy even suggested I might have been abducted by aliens or possessed by some golf-loving spirit.

Oh, and another issue—you've ruined my opportunity to show off my mathematical genius. Gone are the days of tallying up big, impressive numbers. Now I’m stuck adding up boring 4s, 5s, and the occasional 6. Where’s the fun in that?

Lastly, and this is a big one—what am I supposed to do with all this money I’m winning from my golf buddies? I might have to start worrying about a new tax bracket! Maybe I'll open a Swiss bank account to hide my winnings from the IRS.

So, thanks a lot. You've taken all the chaos and charm out of my golf game—and replaced it with competence. What fun is that?

Rusty A


Firstly, I loved the book and the advice/videos that you provided alongside.

I have been trying this year to progress with golf, but had been getting worse and worse through over thinking myself into an awkward and uncomfortable swing pattern. The last time I played (before buying and reading your book) was one of the worse rounds I've had. All of the challenges you addressed in your book rang completely true for me. I had around 10-15 swing thoughts each time I was stood over the ball, which led to me continually striking the ball poorly and leading to frustration in something that was supposed to be an outlet to reduce stress and have fun! The opposite was consistently the case. YouTube, golf lessons, advice and tips from playing partners were whirling around in my head and meant I was all over the place.

I've been unable to play over the last few weeks since reading your book, but have been trying the techniques in your book at home.

Went out for the first time today and genuinely have never hit the ball so well. My approach shots with the wedges have always been one of my biggest problem areas, but today I kept flushing the ball and landing it on the green from anywhere between 60-150 yards. To put this into context, previously I would shank the approach shot thin and to the right almost every time and was never comfortable over the ball.

All of my swing thoughts have disappeared leaving room at last to concentrate on where I want the ball to go (something I never did). I literally just thought about the stuff in the book and played!

It was also the happiest I've been on the course because even the bad shots didn't result in me going back to my jigsaw solving process during the round trying to fix the issues as they occur.

Definitely up for buying your swing trainer too. Watched your demo of that earlier and looks like it will be a great help. Lovely swing by the way!

All the best and thanks again! Really looking forward to my next round.

Phil J

United Kingdom

I am contacting you to thank you sincerely. I can’t quite believe what has happened to my golf game.

I am a 70 year old senior woman golfer who was on a handicap of 29. My golf game is mostly woeful, some good shots but mostly bad. I read your book about 4 months ago and embraced your concept of just getting out there, let that swing rip and tried to get out of my own head and tried hard to just let my natural learning process take over. 

To be honest I seemed to get worse for a bit, thought this is never going to work for me. Too old, no natural ability, will never be any better, will only get worse with age, etc etc. But all of a sudden over the last 4 weeks everything seems to be falling in to place. I’ve lost 5 points off my handicap, scored 40 stableford points yesterday and now my handicap has dropped to 23.7. I’m amazed, I’m hitting my tee and fairway shots with more consistency and accuracy. Even on the greens I am having much more success.

I am under no illusion that I am never going to be an A Grade golfer of that I am sure, but by gee I am enjoying my days at the course so much. Still hitting some shit shots every round, but with less frequency and not beating myself up because of them. I have a whole new attitude . Hallelujah!

Your book has totally changed the way I approach my game. Once again, thank you so much.

Susan K


Cameron, three letters, all caps......WOW!!!

I cannot even begin to explain to you the difference in my golf game and my mindset with my game.
I have been struggling all year with my game. Also, every year I go through about 2-3 weeks with the dreaded shanks. And this year it has just been way too long and stressful. I have been chasing my tail for a really long time with all the searching for a fix for my shanking issues on YouTube.

Then last week I came across your ad on Facebook. The more I read, the more I could relate to what you were saying. It was like I was the one writing the ad.

When I started doing the drills, the light bulb came on. Everything that I had been doing went out the window and I was able to take a total different approach than I had in years. I was striking the ball with way more consistency, and way straighter than I have in years.

A little about me, I’m 63 years old and been golfing for about 6 years and am currently playing with an 8.4 index. I would at times play pretty good golf. My average driving distance is around 250 yards. But I struggle with consistent iron play. And I shanks will really hamper me.

I went out and practiced your drills and then went and hit balls for a bit.

Then went out and played with my only swing thought being the drill from the book. I could not believe the consistency in my ball striking and how all of the stress of hitting a bad shot was gone. A totally different mindset. And all of the stresses of my score were also gone. I found joy in playing again. I also had several drives of over 250 and 3 were over 300.

I could go on for some time but I don’t want to take up any more of your time. I can’t thank you enough for your program.

Bob G


I bought your book on after having your “Look and Shoot” revolutionize my putting last season.

I loved the concept of your UnF#ck Your Golf Swing book.

I did the drills in my back yard.

Yesterday it warmed up to 50°(F) here in New York so I was able to head to the course and give it a go.

WOW! I can’t believe how good it feels. The sound my club makes at impact and the distance I’m getting were insane. Smoked a 3 wood to just in front of the green on a long Par 5. Felt like a pro.

I missed one or two shots but know from your book that this is to be expected. I could tell I was getting more and more accurate as the round went on.

It also seemed to cure my bunker play which was a huge hole in my game. Not sure how it fixed it but I’m not going to ask a lot of questions. I’ll just enjoy getting on the green with confidence.

It’s back down to 28° today but I can’t wait to get back out again. I’m really looking forward to this season. Can’t wait to see what I can do with this technique.

Thank you for writing this book. Golf is my favorite thing to do. Even more so when at age 55 I see a clear path to improvement.

Stephen G


My golf has improved substantially since I have purchased your book. I am still making some basic mistakes, but the good thing is that I recognise this as a problem and can work to improve upon it.

I have been tracking my handicap since I started – on the 28th November I was on 15, I am now on 12 (28th January). Keeping stats on my drives and tee shots. The big difference is that I am far more confident when I am preparing for my shot. Driving has improved a lot , although I still experience some inconsistencies. My short game, under 100m has always been fairly solid but even here I have seen some improvement where I can get up and down in 2 more often than before.

For every shot (even including putts), I go through process that works for me for every shot – in my day (I am 74) we used to sing the alphabet in primary school. Who would have thought that I could use it in golf!!!!!

Anyhow, this has been a real awakening for me. You have probably heard this hundreds of times, but over the years when playing golf and having a terrible round, how many times have we thought Fuck It – just hit the ball and surprise surprise you hit your best of the day. That was when we first played but were too dumb to realise that that was the way to go.

Alan D


Well......What a revelation..... I was absolutely hook line and sinker embedded in traditional golf technique and nonsense.

I just went along with it because everyone else hit the ball that way? And that's what I was being told , head down , hinge at the wrist , complete your back swing, weight transfer, tuck the elbow , in to out path.... 

Don't get me wrong , I've hit some nice shots over the last 14 months I've been playing doing all that garbage , but it was such a mental effort , and so unreliable I came looking for something else.

I really tried to listen and be open to what you were saying , and developed my natural swing using the exercises in the book, and around what felt good and natural.

All of a sudden I felt like a predator standing over the ball ready to deal to it. Rather than this scared confused guy hoping just for a reasonable contact.

So I went to the range with a 3w and 5i , had the range session of my life. What an absolute stripe show. It was ridiculous! I booked 9 holes twilight last night , hoping to be able to bring this momentum out in course.

So the results....well I committed to it 100%. I'm proud of that , because the new style looks a little unconventional. Every shot for 9 holes was the new swing. Unfortunately It wasn't the stripe show like at the range , and I had 3 bad blow up holes, but the other 6 were Par or Bogey.

The swing itself was not solely the cause of the blow ups. I made some bad calls around trees there also , so that's on me.

All in all very happy and looking to continue on this path!

Paul H

New Zealand

I ordered your UFYGS audiobook in early August before a family golf trip. All I can say is game changer. I normally watch YouTube videos before a range session trying to find something. Since I’ve listened to your audio I simply go to the range and warm up, then go play.

I’m having the most fun and scoring the best I’ve scored in years. Thank you ! Awesome stuff.

Troy S

PGA Professional USA

I have been scoring in the low to mid 90s but last Saturday I had 83 off the stick and a net 67. Won the monthly medal scratch and net for B grade. Have now had 5 flags in a row and consistently scoring in the 80s. I’ve had plenty of people asking me what I’m doing differently. I told them about your book but they are not convinced. Ah well. That’s a their loss! Certainly working for me. Thanks!

John D


So I waited to make sure it wasn’t a one round wonder. I played baseball and had above average throwing accuracy….I just played two rounds with no tension, drives are further and everything is just better… I just shot two sub 90 rounds and with a little tweaking I think low 80, high 70 is in reach….Thank you!

Brian C


I read your book and practiced at home with my net for a week. I play off 15 and went out on Saturday for the monthly stroke round medal and came second on a count back. Unbelievably easy way of playing golf can’t wait to play on the weekend.

Thank you😊⛳️

Rupert S


You've unf#cked my swing. I'm a 73 year old, single digit golfer, that has shot my age or better 18 times. I've had hundreds if not thousands of lessons and hit hundreds of thousands of balls I would guess. My positions were decent but results inconsistent. Got your book. Read it. It's pretty good.

Came out to the range this morning (east coast US) and I am FREED UP! It is wonderful. Can't wait to work with this on getting it free and repetitive.

Trip B


I’m a perfect candidate for you. I’m 57 and I started playing golf at 23. Got to a 9 handicap within a year then a 6 within 2 years. I won senior regional matchplay titles within two years just swinging at smashing the ball. 

Then I decided I wanted to swing with perfect positions. I started my 30 years of failed experiments and destroyed my game COMPLETELY 😩 People would ask me why I don’t play anymore? My response "I love it too much but it’s like the slapper down the road it’s going to end in disaster!"... Just don’t go there!

Two years ago I got a benign brain tumour and have had a lot of time to sit around and think. My wife told me I need to get a hobby. I told her I truly have a love affair with golf, but she lets me down to the point I thought about lawn bowls 🫣

My rehab from my 12 hour operation was only putting and chipping. I am 14 months on now and I stumbled on your book. I’m now scared as I have seriously never flushed the ball into the net better than this. My only complaint is my right shoulder hurts from throwing, but the positive is I’m pain free in my back!

I truly can’t believe it! I wished I had stumbled in this 30 years ago 🥲

Andrew L

New Zealand

This is very good stuff. I’ve never been a fan of the body parts swing instruction method. Too much of it is illogical. And just think about it - if that instruction actually worked there wouldn’t be so many crappy golfers at the range and on the golf course.

I’m still new to your materials. But I have seen measurable improvements already from MY swing. Golf is a sport. But it is also a game. And games are meant to be fun, eh? For the first time in playing golf for 20+ years I’m really having fun.

I’m not stressing at all over any aspect of my swing or body mechanics. I just step up and hit the ‘effin ball. Is it perfect. Hell no. But it is better and it is way more fun. I really look forward to playing now. Can’t thank you enough. (Most of my golf buddies are not open to these ideas. They are too entrenched in traditional instruction. Their loss.)

Leonard G


Well, I had a great session on the range today. Started out pitching and chipping trying to produce the sensation of throwing with the right hand. I noticed that I was getting too "round" or flat - almost rolling the right hand on the backswing. To use your parlance, I was like "what the fuck, who throws like that?" 

So I made throwing motions properly, with my right hand getting up higher and "deeper". Then when I restarted chipping and pitching I noticed I sensed the weight of the club and started hitting everything crisp and with little effort. Took that to the range and did the same thing, making sure to get my right hand higher and deeper - more into an effective throwing position. 

What a difference! I felt more in control of the club on the backswing and forward swing and started compressing the ball with little effort. I walked away and left 1/3 of the range balls there for the next guy. Not sure when I'll be teeing it up again but I look forward to getting out there and making a proper throwing motion. Thanks again Cameron, and keep unfucking those swings

Adam M


After having downloaded and read your book, my swing is right back on track. The simplicity of what you teach makes all the difference!!! 

I used to be a 9 handicap, then after a 8 year sabbatical from the game I picked it up once again. Figured it would be like riding a bike right? Wrong … after figuring out muscle memory wasn’t going to restore my swing I set out to build a new one. 

I Worked on shallowing the club and all that new school nonsense. Wanted to build a swing with more distance. Thought I was on to something, had practiced at home incessantly with a practice net. Then went to the range only to figure out I had developed a nasty hook. 

Started tinkering, confusion set in and I started down the rabbit hole of online hold tips. I alternated between hooks and slices for a couple months, unable to figure out the new, unable to return to my old swing. Stuck in swing purgatory!!! 

Then I read your book and something clicked. I went out to hit balls using the methods in the book. It reminded me that I already knew how to hit the ball, just let what I know take over. In the 2 weeks since reading your book I’m hitting the ball as good as I every have. At 57 years old I’m actually getting more distance than I did in my 40’s!

I’ve got a nice consistent high, soft draw and couldn’t be happier. At the simulator the other day I was extremely consistent, smashing my 7 iron 182 yards on average with ball speeds of 122 mph… the old me is back baby!!!! All thanks to your book. 

Thank you for uncluttering my mind and my swing. I highly recommend anyone to read this book and find your swing !!! It’s all there waiting for you to unlock it, if you’ll just get out of your own way. Thanks again and many happy returns…. John

John D


“I bought your book the day I said to my wife,”I think I’m giving golf away.

After playing all my life, getting down to 6 hcp, I had 2 major back operations 3 years ago & my hcp has 'blossomed' out to 22.

I've tried everything including new clubs, lessons, advice from everyone & got to the point where i was playing to about 25 & hating the game. The more I tried, the more I got tired.

I bought your book as a last chance, read it in one day & practiced the throwing drill straight away today. 2 days after getting your book, I let loose & got 39 pts. Amazing result & I enjoyed the game again.

Thankyou for unf….king my swing & the way I was tying myself in knots & I look forward to putting it into practice from here on!”

R Christian


Been a while since you sent this however I wanted to get a few rounds under my belt before getting back to you.

Love the book. What more can I say?

I had to reinvent my swing after a series of serious operations. I read so much of the online stuff that I would get to the first tee and really not know what I had to do.

Now – I just walk up to the tee, tee the ball up and hit it. So much more confidence in actually hitting the ball.

Had to do a bit of work on alignment and getting the contact point right with my irons, and that is coming around OK as we speak.

So – thank you so much. I am sure that there are hundreds of other golfers saying the same thing.

Graeme K


I thought this was the dumbest thing I had ever heard of and maybe thats what intrigued me. So I went in my backyard where no could see me and started. I am 77 and have been playing since I was 6 years old and was a 6 handicap years ago . Gave up golf about 5 years ago to pursue other things but I am back to playing some now.

So, armed with my top 20 or 30 swing thoughts I have been hitting balls and playing a few rounds and it really was a struggle. Oh, I hit some good shots but tried something different every shot.

I read about half the book then headed for the range, I only had one swing thought …

… holy Crap. I had a blast and hit far more good shots than bad. I was not perfect by any means, but it was actually fun and not so exhausting. I feel so liberated. I think I may have had some advantage from all my years of playing, but I didn't think of any of them.

Man o man. One thought ONLY. I am a happy camper without even reading another word.

Thanks so much

Michael A


Wanted to say thank you for your book. I've been down the worst rabbit hole in the history of golf since I restarted competitive golf 3 years ago. I've been playing since I was a kid, and I learnt from an old pro whose mantra was super simple "swing the club with your hands and arms". Every single time I go off track, it's because I forget this. I'd love to send you all the videos of the fixes I've been given by online lessons etc over the last few years

One lesson directly contradicts the lesson before and literally none of them have told me to just get on with it and hit the fkin ball. I've gone from someone who never ever needed to think about my swing mechanics, to someone literally locked in a prison, standing on the tee on a tight driving hole with absolutely no idea where the ball is going to go. For example I am currently trying to (and I know how mad this is)..

Start the takeaway with my lead shoulder
Stand the club up with wrist flexion
Get my lead shoulder over my trail knee
Rotate my forearms to ensure a flat lead wrist at top of backswing
Initiate the downswing by rotating my forearms the other way
Get off my trail leg onto my lead leg
Finish with my trail hand on top of my lead hand....

I started the online lessons as I'd developed a pull following knee replacement surgery - as a fellow lefty, I'm sure you're aware a pull is a devastating shot.


My biggest issue is now just fear, fear that if I miss one of the stupid steps in the stupid list of swing fixes above, something bad will happen. Your book takes me right back to being a kid, when I didn't give a shit where the ball went. Don't really care how I score using your methods, I think it frees me to just enjoy golf again.

For that, thank you very much!

Stephen W


I have been seeing your ad pop up in my Facebook feed, along with hundreds of other ads about techniques and devices.

I used to be a bogie golfer in HS and college, and I loved the game. I played a ton. I then basically didn’t play again until this year when I became an empty nester (wanted to focus on being a dad). I told myself “Since I’m starting over, I’ll take the time and build a textbook swing.” Hah.

So I started watching videos, etc. I have progressively gotten worse over the summer, to the point where I didn’t know what to do when I stood over the ball. As you point out, for every “swing thought” there is a counter thought. Shift weight or not, arms move before the body or not, head still or not, wrists cocked or not. And don’t even get me started on the swing plane. Yesterday, I played 18 holes, shot a 117 and lost 6 golf balls. I was frustrated and had ZERO fun.

So yesterday I downloaded your book and read it. I knew that I had reached the point where my swing was truly f*cked. Today I went out there with your challenge in mind. I have to say, my “swing” felt natural, I striped many shots, which felt great, and I had fun. Even when I topped the ball. I had to laugh at how bad those shots were. I didn’t keep score today, so I don’t know about that, but I only lost one ball, and only because I couldn’t find it in the rough. It was not OB or in the water. My wife commented that I was way more fun to play with today. Go figure.

I am going to keep throwing that club head and get back to enjoying the game. I am going to STOP watching YouTube golf videos, and I’ll never pay for another lesson. Thank you SO MUCH for your perspective. I WILL BE sharing your book with others…..

Brett W

United States

"For less than half the price of a lesson I was able to really clear my mind, clear my thought process and start striking the ball as well as I ever have in my life."

Mitch G, Australia 

I am 49 years old and decided to pick up a club about 4 years ago. Never played a day in my life before then. I was athletic, basketball, volleyball all that but never golf. I went out and played without lessons, just learned from random advice on the course. Was doing well! I'm ok with bogey golf, looking to have fun, not win tournaments or join the lpga lol.

Was feeling good until that fateful moment... girl what's up with that backswing?? Your grip is all wrong.... go get a lesson. ,etc.

So I did! 500 dollars club pro guy. Got me so in my head I could not hit an iron to save my life. Video tapes of me , your hip rotation ,your grip is off, bad angle , had me overthinking to a point I almost gave up.

I would have anxiety even looking at my 6 or 7 iron, let alone hit it.

Read your book, practiced, let myself be ok with my backswing and what felt natural. Went to the range and got my 6 and 7 irons back again.

Just wanted to say thank you!

Joan S


I have read your book twice to make sure I do not miss anything. I have truly enjoyed reading your book. The simple way the golf swing is supposed to be is demonstrated in the book and videos. 

After I read your book the first time, I did not go out to the driving range or play a round of golf, I went to my backyard. I did the coaching sessions in my backyard. After that, I told myself, f--k this, I am just going to get up there and swing away and that is what I did. 

I messed up a few times, but I found my comfortable grip and my swing. I started smashing the ball. I did what the book said and "swung my swing". The methods in the book have helped me groove my inside to outside swing and it feels great. I am not tired, my body does not hurt as much. I stretch before I start hitting, but every time I go to my backyard, my focus is to swing my swing and keep it simple. I hit different shots, cuts, draws, low cuts, low draws, just straight down the pipe. Your learning program has shown me that I don't need all the technical shit, just keep it simple. Your videos are simple to understand. I think now that when I hit it thin, fat or on the hosel, I know what I need to do and just do it. I do not have to have a professional swing to hit the damn ball a long way and straight, I just do it my way. If I want to hesitate at the top of my backswing, I do. If I want to take the club away fast or slow, I do, because I know my hands and right arm is my power and it is just waiting to be released. Thank you for helping me UFMGS!

Kennedy M


I'm 58 years old played golf since about 12, always hit the ball well but played a lot of cricket and worked FT so was restricted.

About age 26 I had a lesson with a Scottish golf pro in Portugal which confused me and ruined me.

Since then I'd occasionally played well but was not natural and filled with swing thoughts. I got worse over the last 3 years with a real quest to improve by watching various tips and videos and joining Me and My Golf. No disrespect to them but I had so many thoughts.

The classic being in July was about "rotation and trying to get my front pocket in to my back pocket". In the end I was so worried about pockets I forgot to swing!

Bring on family holiday end August, demoralised and hating golf when I found Unf.ck your Golf Swing.

Thank you! Since then I have hit the ball well, scores have improved, too late to drop handicap due to winter here, but most importantly I've re discovered my love for and enjoyment of the game. Thank you!

I've also told all my playing partners they should read it! All I do now is play , read your emails and watch that mad fool Speed golf Rob.

Thank you!!

Jonathan W

United Kingdom

Just wanted to say thank you for such a great insightful way to approach the game of golf.

I just recently picked the game back up after playing in my teens. Now at age 50 my son plays on the high school team and reenergized my desire to play the game. But of course swing sucks and watched all these videos and supinating the forearm, watching myself on video, AI swing analyzer and it was miserable.

Nothing was consistent. Then I read your book. Can it be that simple? Umm. Yes. Not at first but I just started following your methods. And then experimenting. Then I bought a golf simulator this winter and this is where I really went to applying your concepts. When I first got the simulator I couldn't break 90-95 to save my life. I hated the game. But then your lessons I started applying. Working on the simulator and just enjoying the process. Wow. I’ve just this last week been shooting in the high 70s and low 80s.

Granted it’s simulator golf but it’s the best I have in the winter time. I love reading your books. Keep up the good work

Brent H


Cam, I just wanted to let you know about my experience reading your book about the golf swing. I'm a fairly proficient golfer with several rounds in the upper 60's and mostly play 3-5 strokes over par. I don't get to play as much as I could with work and family responsibilities.

I do keep my swing in shape with a mat and net in the back yard. I read your book last Thursday and played my third round of the year on Saturday. I shot a 76. My score is not really the point of the email. 

The point is that I committed to no swing thoughts. I played each shot with your suggestions from the book. I hit a couple of bad shots of course, but I didn't care. I hit so many flush, accurate shots and I realized that's what was fun. I holed out from a bunker for birdie, I striped a 200 yard 4 iron to pin high on my last hole to set up a par. My drives were mostly very accurate.

Had it not been for carpet like greens I may have been close to par. I have two more rounds to go to follow your three round challenge.

So far though..I am very happy with the results. Thanks again!

Jesse W


“Great read! It really clears my head from all the bullshit!! Simple and I am hitting the ball better!! Thanks!”

choose your image

B Kunze - USA

“Fantastic has improved my golf experience no end and my numbers are coming down. The best thing my enjoyment level is out of this world!”

choose your image

W bowles - Australia

“I read your book and have had a 9-hole exec game and 18-hole game on a full course. I shot the best game I have had in a year and a half!”

choose your image

G FLAMANK - Canada

“This book has been a game changer for me. Confidence is at an all time high and my scores are improving every round. Thank You! ”

choose your image

T Okawa - USA

“Just a quick note to say that I don't know how anyone else used or reacted to the advice and counsel in your book. But for me, it was like turning on a very bright light. Suddenly, I felt like I owned my own swing and, oddly enough, it was a pretty good one.

I've only practiced at the driving range so far. But I hit the ball better than I ever have before. It was almost immediate. I forgot about all the positions and feels and "professional" instruction I had before, and just let it go. I didn't hit every shot perfect, but I tagged about 75 to 80 % of them long and straight.

It was bliss. I was even able to make some small corrections along the way, following your advice of keep it simple. Don't worry about the weight shift, don't worry about the lag, don't worry about the positions. Just throw the clubhead. Thank you, Mr. Strachan. You may have saved my game, and my sanity.”

T Patterson


Something shithouse crazy is going on here...

Read the book and did all the routines and exercises ...

I am hitting that ball like nothing else I've ever seen. Flushing it. Unencumbered .. just swinging for the fucking bleachers.. natural swing.

Hitting it high into the net, then low, then left, then right. And just absolutely ripping it.

Proof will be in the pudding when I go to the first of my 3 course sessions tomorrow. Different arena as you say, but really looking forward to it.

May not go perfectly, but I'm ready for that, - there is definitely something in the water.

Nikora L

New Zealand

Still reading the books and practicing the drills.

But I played a round yesterday arvo, on my own, hitting a couple of balls. What an afternoon!

Yeah I still hit some shit ones, but 90% of the time when I 'dropped' the second ball I hit a decent one.

I seriously SMOKED a few drives and it felt like I was in control not just swinging in hope!

Love it..............wish I read it 5 years ago.

Justin W


“I bought your e-book and the audiobook two days ago. Very interesting concept.

So I went to the driving range today and just hit a bucket of balls. I didn’t worry about anything... Not my spine tilt not cocking of my wrist, nothing.

I just focused on the methods in the book and told myself “Hit the damn ball!”

To my shock, I felt good, my swings were powerful, and I smoked a bucket of balls farther than I ever hit it. If I went a little left, I just made a slight adjustment to the clubface and it went straight as an arrow.

I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t believe it was that simple. I can’t wait to try it out on the course on Friday. I’ll let you know how it goes.

This is just frickin incredible.

Malcolm C


Read your “unf**k” your golf swing book lying on a sunbed in the Canaries. Wow!

I’ve been playing golf properly for 4 years after 45 years of cricket.

I reduced my 16 handicap to 9 at the start of this year and was still really enthusiastic to learn and improve.

I found this year that I hurt my elbow and shoulder trying to achieve a closed face throughout the swing. I’ve hit the ball further but lost direction and handicap went up to 10!!

Read your book and saw your 8 year-old throwing the tennis ball at the tee peg position with a perfect golf swing!

I’ve spent my whole life throwing a cricket ball so was very keen to see what happened if I just concentrated on that action.

Took it out on the course for my first try last Tuesday in a charity pairs matchplay against the Club Captain and the Club Manager (pro golfer).

I hit the ball very very straight all morning - not all perfect but very straight.
I had no pain in my arm from the swing.
I was driving about 10-20 yards short of the pro.

From just off the green the 1 simple swing thought gave me the confidence to chip close to the hole (and straight in on one occasion)

My partner and I won 4&3 and the pro was
moaning about my handicap.

Thanks so much, I am really looking forward to enjoying my future rounds (if the rain ever stops) and see what is possible.

Chris W


I enjoyed your book and it really resonated with me. I often find myself standing over the ball with a hundred swing thoughts in my head, then I just freeze up and cant even start the back swing, or I get all twisted up with my elbows and wrists all trying to do weird and unnatural things.

Nick M

New Zealand

After downloading your book and reading it I didn’t know what to expect… Everything you talked about was so simple, almost too simple it seemed. I quit playing golf for about 15 years because it got so ugly ... I had to quit after my last lesson ... I was so screwed up!

I started playing again after I retired. I couldn’t break 50 on 9holes to save my life… Since reading your book I have scored two rounds of 43 and most rounds under 50 for 9 holes. Two weeks ago I got a hole in one on a 167 yard par 3 (I am definitely playing better and now I am enjoying golf again! I think I am getting your new putter for Christmas.!!!!)

Thanks for making this game fun again.

Dave M


I can’t even express to you how much I needed to read UnF*#!k Your Golf Swing! I played a ton back in the early 90s and had a pretty natural swing with a 12 handicap( not one lesson from a pro). I’ve just picked it back up and like most, I figured I’d give YouTube a shot to hone in on the fundamentals again. Holy sh*t! After a month of that, I looked robotic, not to mention looking ridiculous with all of the swing training gadgets on the range. After reading your book and following the simple instructions, I played the best round of golf I’ve played since starting back at it. You made golf fun again and I thank you for that.

Shane G


I am 69,  a lefty and have played golf off and on for 40 years. I am the poster child for watching videos, taking  lessons, new clubs,  etc,etc,etc.  I Downloaded and read your book. Look, not going to say that I am now a scratch golfer, but I have gone from shooting high 90's, low 100's to low 80's and believe me that’s just a start. Just wanted to say thanks!

Tim J

United States

I Love this book!

I can absolutely relate to this poor man, having his sanctuary with nature robbed - my thoughts and prayers go out to all those lost golf balls.

Cameron your book is nothing short of a treasure in my book!

Steven J


What feels like a right arm throw looks like a good golf swing! I can swing faster, freer and with far less mental input than before.

Your system, as counterintuitive as it seems, is very helpful and liberating. I’m never felt so un-fucked!

Martin W


This new approach has changed my game totally. My handicap has gone from 17.1 to 10.4!

Dave E

United Kingdom

Hey Cameron! What a great read; I love your book. As someone who gets in his own head w/swing mechanics, this was mind blowing. I got the book Friday and finished it yesterday. I stole some of my son’s tennis balls and went outside to do the throwing drill for 10-15 minutes. I grabbed my 7 iron and took some practice swings and it felt great. I went to a course with some “practice holes” today and took my first swing with a ball, since the drills yesterday. I hit a low, beautifully compressed feeling 3/4 PW from 85 yards to 5 inch from the cup…NO SHIT! I continued to hit wedge through 8 irons on various practice holes with the same great trajectory and compressed feeling and it was beautiful.

Boyd S

United States

Took a leap Wednesday and bought the book. The title grabbed me.

Unreal. Threw the ball, threw some clubs. Got accurate quickly and it was fun, really fun.

I’ve played three 9’s and hitting it great with no swing thoughts.

I’m sixty two years old and have been scratch or better since I was 16. I’ve been chasing the “modern” golf swing for 40 years and usually switch theories at least every round or two. Psycho. Slave to conservative play and the short game.

Just an amazing couple days and so much fun on course.
This reads like a fake review and I don’t give a rats’ …, it happened.

You said it felt weird writing this ‘simple’ book. Thanks for getting weird.



I bought this book and am so incredibly impressed by it. If you are struggling with your game, in a slump or just starting this is a must read !!! The game is very easy to over complicate. Reading this will prove that, it doesn’t have to be that way. I couldn’t recommend this book any more highly

Adam D

via Facebook

I have tried almost every “YouTube golf expert”. This book has provided the best results! Just like one of the other posters, I too have discovered that a fade is my natural shot shape. Now that I know where my golf ball is going when I hit it, golf is a completely different game.

James B

via Facebook

Hi Cameron.

I just played my second round of golf using the UnF** Your Golf Swing theory on how to hit a golf ball. I shot 42-39 for an 81 on a tough Fuzzy Zoeller golf course here at The Reserve Club in Aiken, SC. For the past 4-5 months I have struggled to break 90 (I've shot only 2-3 rounds mid eighties during this time period). It's been bad!

Your golf system theory WORKS!!! It's that simple.

I'm glad I found you and your book!

Wayne P


“Just wanted to drop you a note to say thanks for your "Automatic Golf" approach. I picked it up a couple of weeks ago and have since then shot my season best score (even par at my home course) and averaging between 72-74 at courses where I have struggled to break 80 in the past.

Thanks again for everything - your content has definitely been super valuable for me and has helped me realize my full potential as a golfer.”

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J Harlas


This "new" swing has been transformational!!

Thanks so much. I used to have a head full of noise, but now I’m just swinging my swing and picturing the ideal motion.

Before the change, a bunch of 28 stableford points and not much better. The two rounds since the change 38 points each!

It’s been awesome!

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Dave A


I have been reading your book for the past week. In addition to doing the drills, I have played a couple of rounds with good results. As time goes by, I have had time to synthesize your terrific information. Being able to analyze what I am practicing and having the freedom to make adjustments to swing better is fantastic.

I am looking forward to continue to improve my game and having fun with golf again.

Thank you for providing such a useful resource.

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Paul S


Had my 2 best rounds after I read your book. Mid 80-s. Also regripped to midsize +4. Feels alot better.”

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B Moore


“I played today, first time since practicing. Unbelievable difference in my iron play. Hope it wasn’t a fluke”

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R Linton


“I’m not recommending you to any of my golf buddies because I don’t want them to play any better!”

M Cahill


I am fascinated with your book. I'm back to shooting low 70s again after "unfucking" my golf swing and mind, and being not so technique / position obsessed. Thank you!

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Shaun D


I have never had more solid contact hitting the ball. I seemed to hit my hybrids like they should be hit and all shots got airborne like they should

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Jason B


I've had a very inconsistent year so far. I used your simple method & shot the easiest 74 I've had in a very long time. Thank you.

Paul O


I purchased your book 'How to Unf#uck Your Golf Swing" three days ago. Downloaded it and read through it. Like many, I have done a lot of research and had too much floating in my head. Looking at a lot of stuff I also realize many people were trying to say the same thing but no one explained in an easy way how to accomplish it.

Next day I went to the range with only an 8 iron. Focusing on the motion, I hit balls higher, straighter and farther than I can remember. Yesterday was spent at a local course playing 18 holes. Needless to say I had the best round I've ever had (I'm only a 25 HC). I had more fun and was more confident than ever and am anxious to play again. I'm looking forward to the journey (with an assist to you). The fact that I can create focused practiced sessions, experiment with different adjustments and track the results makes perfect sense.

Thank you for helping my game more in such a short time than I could have imagined.

Terry L


I just want to say your advice from the book is amazing. My best score before I read your book was 107.

However, I typically score 115 plus. I only started in October of 2023 and tried all sorts of things that were entirely too complicated. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. I have played two rounds since I read your book. 

First round was 106 and I was pretty happy with that. Played yesterday and I shot a 93!!!

So ecstatic with that score and I left a lot out there. Very optimistic now and I was considering quitting golf.

Chris K


Hi Cameron , my name is Daren and have been a long time golfer with a handicap of around 12. I have for years gone down the traditional path to golf and have never really improved and have never been a solid ball striker in my life. I have just had my second range session ( I know you don’t love the range lol ) after reading your book and I just want to say thank you because a few things have happened. I have stopped thinking about my position and my club’s position through every part of my swing, I have not had one swing thought and I have just swung the club as you say in the book. Well OMG! I have just hit the most solid balls I ever had , hit my target line 95% of the time , increased by distance and have the best ball fight with a small draw. The best thing that happened though is that it was so enjoyable and so dam easy I could believe it.

I just wanted to say thank you because I will admit I was skeptical when I was reading your book. How could this complicated game be as easy as you said it was? Well it bloody is!  I can’t wait for my first comp round tomorrow where I will go out with no bullshit swing thoughts and just enjoy swinging for the fences!

Daren P


Hello Cameron from the great state of Tennessee in the USA.

I’m 53 years old and have been playing this stupid game for over 40 years. My handicap has been as low as 3, but I’ve never been consistent enough to keep it there.

I kept seeing your ad on facebook and the title hit home, I decided to spend $27 on it and read the book in less than 2 hours (including doing the drills).

I’m fortunate enough to have a sim setup in my garage and immediately saw results, however it didn’t translate to the golf course right away.

The concept is so simple though, I just lacked the confidence to attack the golf ball, well 2 months later, my handicap has dropped from a 7.5 to a 5.6 and I don’t think about anything other than the simple motion and attacking the golf ball, luckily for me I was a baseball player as a young man and am very competent at throwing a ball, even at 53.

The amazing part is how much further I’m hitting the ball, previously a 7 iron would go 160 if I nutted it, now it goes 170 or further.

It’s translated into chipping and pitching as well.

I’ve played this game long enough to know that what’s working this week might not work next week or even tomorrow, but I’m feeling good about this and just wanted to thank you for unfucking my golf swing!

Jeff H


Thank you for helping me unfuck my golf swing.

I am 49 years old and decided to pick up a club about 4 years ago. Never played a day in my life before then. I was athletic, basketball, volleyball all that but never golf. I went out and played without lessons, just learned from random advice on the course. Was doing well! I'm ok with bogey golf, looking to have fun, not win tournaments or join the lpga lol.

Was feeling good until that fateful moment... girl what's up with that backswing?? Your grip is all wrong.... go get a lesson. ,etc.

So I did! 500 dollars club pro guy. Got me so in my head I could not hit an iron to save my life. Video tapes of me , your hip rotation ,your grip is off, bad angle , had me overthinking to a point I almost gave up.

I would have anxiety even looking at my 6 or 7 iron, let alone hit it.

Read your book, practiced, let myself be ok with my backswing and what felt natural. Went to the range and got my 6 and 7 irons back again.

Just wanted to say thank you !

Joan S


I wanted to follow up with you on my progress now that it has been close to one month since reading your book. As I stated in my last email reply I’ve been around the game of golf most of my life. Like most I’ve spent way too much time working with swing coaches, watching golf improvement videos and video taping my own swing.

During the last several weeks I’ve had great success with letting the club go in addition to letting my swing come to me. If a golfer’s stance is wide, narrow, open, closed, toes out or in, it doesn’t matter. Just throw the club head. We don’t analyze how we throw a ball. Why anylyze the swing positions. All that matters is the golfer hits it good…consistently. There is no right or wrong body movement, or swing plane, or elbow position, or stance. That has allowed me to gain a whole new prospective that has also given me a new attitude. No need for me to be upset after a bad shot. We all hit bad shots!

I could keep going on with this email sharing more insights but I just wanted to thank you for writing your book “UnF*uck Your Golf Swing” I refuse to watch any of the usual YouTube instruction videos. I pay no attention to the FB ads telling me how I can improve my swing. And when someone on the golf course offers a swing tip I say “thanks” but refuse to allow their swing tip into my thoughts now that I’ve unf*ucked my golf swing.

Gary L


"Since reading the book I've had five rounds of golf, 4 of 'em have been in the 70's. Golf is extremley fun right now"

Ron P, North East Ohio, United States

I haven’t hit the ball more solidly EVER! It’s so simple! Thank you so much for making this game more enjoyable

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Chris G


Great to great back to basics and I'm seeing the improvement already, not to mention the enjoyment.

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Brett W


I have noticed that my ball strikes are cleaner, more consistent and more powerful

Brad M


I have noticed that my ball strikes are cleaner, more consistent and more powerful

Brad M


I am actually enjoying not having all those annoying swing thoughts in my head all the time.

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Ross N


Loved your book.
I had soo many people telling me what I should do that I completely lost my swing and confidence.

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Jenny M


Last five times I've played have been some of my best rounds ever. Today I Shaved 4 shots off my best ever front 9 score.

Russell M


I’ve been playing golf for about a year now and managed to get my game to a point where I was consistently shooting in the 100-110 range but hit a wall and couldn’t get any lower, I had lessons and watched all the videos I could find to find out what I was doing wrong.

I was struggling to get any kind of distance with my clubs, and my confidence would be shot on the course when my swing wasn’t what I wanted it to be because I was constantly focusing on my swing, my hips, my bigger muscle groups because I was told that my trail arm was not how I get power and distance. I would occasionally nail shots and get good distance but I couldn’t work out what I did and how to replicate those shots.

I saw a lot of your ads and thought what have a I got to lose, I did like how it promoted simplifying your swing so I purchased your book and read it in one day.

All I can say is WOW! What a revelation!

Reading your book, a lot of things made sense and I couldn’t wait to get out and put your process into practice.

The same afternoon I went to the range to see if what you were saying was correct and I was amazed.

I was hitting my 7-iron around 110-125 fairly consistently, using your principle I started hitting it past the 150 marker. Now there were some bad shots but your principles made it easier to figure out what I was doing wrong and corrected it.

After a few bombs with the 7, I pulled the driver out eager to see what it did to my driver. I was hitting my driver fairly inconsistently previously but when I made good contact I could get the ball around 200m on a good day. Imagine my surprise when I started hitting the driver more consistently and not only that, I bombed that driver past the 250m marker and I had never, never even gotten close to that. I was filled with confidence as my slice was minimised and when I missed, I was able to do simple things like closing the club face to straighten my shots.

I was eager to get out on the course to put this into practice and I played 27 holes.

My first 9 I shot a 49, which was on target for me to break 100. I was not warmed up and a little hesitant but I was reasonably satisfied with that.

I kept to the process and shot a 42 on the back 9, I started nailing my drives and my approach shots and was enjoying my game and not stressing about my swing at all.

It was going so well I thought I’d play the front 9 again, I was loving the feeling of the driver in my hands and wanted to hit some more.

I shot a 39 on the front 9. A 39! I had never shot better than a 97 over 18 holes before reading your book.

Instead of worrying about keeping my left arm straight, turning my body, getting my tempo, and numerous other things, I was literally simply visualising my shot, setting up my stance to get the ball in the correct direction and then concentrating on throwing my club down the fairway as hard as I could.

AND IT WORKED. I was amazed, it was like I was seeing things for the first time and after struggling with trying to work out how to swing for a year, to not even worry about that part of my game was so much more enjoyable.

Thank you so much, you have successfully unfucked my golf swing and I’m excited to see how my golf game progresses with this cheat code you have unlocked.

Whoever thought that golf could be easy?

Thanks so much. A very grateful golfer.

Justin A


So, after listening to the book yesterday I've never swung the club as freely. I paid attention to the ball throw exercise and all my hip turn stuff was working automatically (which from GolfTec lessons i've been concentrating on). So anyway I can’t wait to hit the course and try things out. Definitely a zero fucks given golf experience. Fuck instagram but thank fucking god for instagram cuz I wouldn't have found you.

In all seriousness, I'm very optimistic but have learned to be patient and I will put the time in. Thanks for making it easier to understand. I'm 50, been playing for 25 years, never felt this smooth.

Bryan L


The title is an amusing gimmick but it accurately sums the content of the book.

I read it in an hour and then had fun playing golf again & shot a lower score than I had in decades. I recommend this book for those obsessed with positions in the swing.

Andy P

via Facebook

My whole golf game has improved with your advice on both ball striking and accuracy. Iv'e been playing off between 7-9 for about 35 years but in the last 12 months it blew out to 13. 

I think I was watching too much YouTube to try and gain more distance as I'm getting older, but all it was doing was clogging up my mind. After reading your book, on the weekend I played with a lot more freedom and shot a 76 with 45 stableford points! Best game in years. Thank you!

Andrew C


I just have to tell you. I played my 3rd game since reading your book and today I played a 6 handicapper. I’m 19 handicap and 63 years old. I beat him 2 up in match play. We know each other well and I’ve never got close to beating him before. I would have beaten him by more but he had 3 or 4 birdies so my pars weren’t quite good enough. I am so stupidly happy. Thank you so much for writing your book.

Martin W

United Kingdom

Well I have your UFYGS E-Book and my game has never been better at age 76. I am always in the short grass just need to get more length but that will come next year. Thank you for showing us the way. Much appreciated.

Dennis C


Can’t thank you enough mate. I won B grade stableford today off 14 with 40 points 😊. Left a few out there too🙄! The lads can’t believe it. They now want the book😎

Rupert S


You’re right, your body just automatically does all the right things that I’m aware I should be doing. Without overthinking. 

I just walked around the park next door and hit a bunch of the most consistent 9 irons I’ve hit in years. They were all landing within 10 feet of each other.

Martin J


Just bought your book today and read it. Mind you I'm an engineer by trade now retired. 80yo. I've been trying to engineer a swing for 60 years, so accepting your method does not come naturally to me!

I went out and used the drills in your ebook and....... I just hit over 20 seven irons without topping or hitting fat. All pretty straight and without the 50 swing thoughts I normally use. Too soon to be sure for a stubborn old cuss but you've got my attention mate! I may be on the road to un*ucked!

Terry G


I just wanted to say thank you.........

I Read your ebook while away on work in London.

I've Just been to the range and what a difference! Ok, not all flushed but plenty were and hitting with a clear mind now. Can't wait to see how much more enjoyable golf will be!

Male 57 hc 15 with a golf swing that came and went like the wind. 100s of lessons over years!

Thanks again!

Nick U

United Kingdom

Thanks so much for writing the book. I’ve had so many lessons which initially were the making of me tbh as a kid but now as a middle aged man I can see are fucking me up.

Been swinging for the fences which is the way to play I’m convinced.

I’m currently trying to find “my” swing which doesn’t feel far away. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a world beater but I’m only looking to fulfil my own potential that’s all

John H


Downloaded this morning. Read it for a while, then went to the range. It's ridiculous how much this makes sense.

Bryan H

via Facebook

…Last Saturday I won a club tournament with a "boring“ 76 (4 over par) with just "go for the fences“ in my mind…not funny ;-)…

Kai H


Bought the book yesterday, worked the feel last night in the backyard with no club.
Went to the range today. No warm up.
One word:
Thank you

Jesse W

via Facebook

I read it last night and played today- lowest round I’ve had in awhile- I am one of the players described in the book that was playing worse, the more I tried to “fix” my swing. Today just concentrated on hitting the back of the ball. I didn’t hit every shot perfectly, but the very best part is I truly had fun today!

Missy F

via Facebook

Read this and had my best score in a decade. Thank you for simplifying the game and getting me out of my head!

Barry L

via Facebook

I just played a round Monday after reading this. What a great and simple process. I'm 61 and have read and tried many things. Every shot I was so over thinking. All I did was keep my mind at throwing ball and wow. Great shot after great shot. I totally enjoyed that round of golf!! Thank you

David P

via Facebook

For some reason, the title of this book spoke to me (lol). I was badly overthinking my swing and just couldn't make progress. Just getting into the book now but it's been relevatory just how many of those "good swing positions" are absolutely automatic if you apply the muscle memory you already have. I recommend this book if you're suffering from swing paralysis like I was.

Robert B

via Facebook

I have your books and have been with you for years. Saturday played with 3 PGA Club Pros. I'm a 5 handicap.

All they did was complain about grain and how the greens moves, blah blah blah blah.

All I did was roll in 3 - 20 footers and never 3 putted.

35 years and I've never been in a Putting slump. Finding you validated and added to my confidence in my belief systems.

Just finished reading UnF.....k Your Golf Swing. Love it!

Cheers Mate!



I’ve actually bought it, it’s quite change from the normal method (technical) ... more mental and getting you to swing in a natural way , I can say from my perspective it has helped me in a very positive way. For the price of one golf lesson it’s definitely worth giving it a chance … may surprise you !!!!

Patel P

via Facebook

I overthink everything and it’s been caused by too many YouTube tutorials etc.

The book has been super helpful and is exactly what I needed. Working through the exercises and drills and now actually excited to get back on the course.

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Chris H


I read Unfuck Saturday morning, hit the range in the afternoon then shot a 4 over on an executive par 30 course. This morning I shot 82 on my home course. My mind was never so calm on the golf course. My handicap dropped by 2 strokes. I have never felt so confident standing over a ball for many years.

Thank you for allowing me to feel that confidence again.

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Darryl H


Listened to the audio book 3 times over 2 days then went and shot my best round of the year. 

I had got myself into such a cauldron of competing swing thoughts I'd forgotten to just have a swing. It's made such a difference so far

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Andrew B


Your book is the most remarkable golf advice I have had the good fortune to come across… much like your experience I am guilty of ruining what was a decent golf swing/game ( 8 handicap ) by watching “game improvement “ videos , reading multiple “ simple swing“ manifestos etc.

I spent most days in despair because nothing was working… Playing golf engendered more feelings of fear than the excitement of having a fun day on the course… 

Having read your book I no longer have any wish to view golf tips feed to me by the relentless You Tube algorithm as I simply have one swing thought and this feels like the most natural movement in the world…. 

Now I would love to say the Champions tour awaits but there is still room for improvement…. However I no longer obsess over my swing and look forward to playing golf again! So thank you Cameron for unf#cking my golf swing and bringing back the joy of playing golf. You are a true genius!



PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing – I try every chance I can to support you and your ideas as I believe you are totally correct – but the “system” is so stacked and there is so much $$$$ they are making and you know as well as I that when something seems too simple no one can believe it is correct!

I am a testimonial to being a victim to that fallacious teaching (to the point of injury):

I had L4/L5 lumbar vertebrae fused with bone grafting to eliminate the sciatic nerve pain that debilitated me and a big part of what caused this was degenerated discs and a lot of that was from my attempts to follow the teaching of “guru” on Insta and his own very expensive program which had me focusing on side bending, pelvic tilts, ground force and rotation and my body cannot go (well for sure it can’t now!) go into the positions that DJ or Morikawa, etc. do and it was killing me as well as making my golf suffer and my pocket book suffer and took 2 years out of my life doing impossible and damaging things!!!

You have made a real difference. Thank you.

Dr. Larry K


My swing has been an uncomfortable struggle with coached ideas over the past year. However, the day after buying and reading through the first book, I played one of the best if not the best driving rounds I've ever had. I needed to try out the theory and approach I had read in your book the night before with two of my right fingers taped together to brace the injury.

I must say feeling the power and freedom to naturally uncoil with my dominant arm being released for the first time in my swing was fun to watch on my end of the round. I may never take a half practice swing again.

Consistently, the ball was struck flush producing higher and longer ball flight. Needless to say I am going to continue working on this particular process and will definitely contact your team if anything comes to mind as a question.

David S


Mate, Unbelievable! I got your putting book a few years ago and have been looking at Unf***k but instead went for lessons and have become obsessed with social media videos. Was 4 at start of 2024 and now 6.5 and was seriously considering chucking it as it was awful.

Read the ebook yesterday watched the videos and went out today - started birdie, birdie, par. It wasn’t perfect thereafter, probably because I still need to learn to trust it and practice it more but hitting shots that I haven’t hit for months.

I know I’ve rushed it a wee bit but I was so desperate for some improvement - I can only see it getting better going forward.

Absolutely brilliant - thank you. If you need any endorsement no problem. All the best!

Graham W

United Kingdom

You're a breath of fresh air. I've been playing golf for 53 years and I tell people I taught myself to play the first year and I've spent the next 52 years trying to fix it. I fit your description of us average golfers to a tee (pardon the pun.)

I've only played a couple of rounds using your advice but I feel better about my game already just because it frees up my mind to just play and enjoy the game while getting better results. Keeping it simple stupid has always been sage advice.

Allan F


This book has really opened my eyes I’m definitely always looking for the magic swing fix tip and have for years without success.

I already have the net and mat setup on my back porch and use it regularly to work on the next “fix”. I video my swing and I have a launch monitor and swing speed measuring device. All this technology to find out nothing works to make me better.

So I read your book and immediately go out to my net and start hitting solid shot after solid shot thinking it can’t be this easy. It’s to simple! I looked at myself on the phone recording and I see a perfectly executed swing! All the little changes I was working on that were so hard to correct were suddenly correct.

I was ecstatic!!! For two hours I hit and hit and hit making solid contact damn near every time. Yesterday I went to play knowing full well that making a change to your swing on the mat will take time to carry over to the golf course. I was successful for some shots and not for others as expected so I was not disappointed just determined to make this method work on the golf course.

So I say all this to thank you for writing the fucking book it has opened my eyes to a path to better and more fun play.

Jim R


Probably the most eye opening advice I have ever gotten about the golf swing. I am already experiencing the fun of the game vs frustration and playing freely for the first time in years.
Thank you.

Leo W


I have only had time to read half of UFYGS, but since buying it online, I won the Wednesday competition at my local club with 39 points. I had been playing terribly for 6 months, listening to YouTube without any success. So I used the methods in the book and just hit the ball like you said and it worked! Sure, still not perfect, but as you know its a work in progress! Thanks Cameron

Stuart R


I just wanted to say thank you! After falling down the rabbit hole of being obsessed with getting better at golf and all the disappointment and frustration that goes along with it I needed a reset. Your book was exactly that!

After finishing the book and walking through the exercises on throwing the ball and club I hit the range. No thoughts other than pick a target and throw the club. I honestly hadn’t hit the ball that pure in years and with absolutely no effort. I have played 3 rounds since and have shot my HC each time (im a 12.1) and enjoyed every round. Even the bad shots didn’t phase me at all. My mates even asked me had I gone back to lessons as they saw the massive improvements!

I wish I had have read your book years ago!

Keep up the great work!

Tony B


Big thank you to you Cameron Strachan.

After going through the UFYGS I applied the training techniques today and you know what?

I came back with a par golf 36 in a 9 hole evening round. My golf buddies were so amazed at how I performed. They used to whack me always

Fyi I'm 65 yrs old with a current handicap of 14. Your Automatic Golf swing will definitely lower my handicap to a single handicapper very soon.

Great teaching Cameron. Love it so much

Azlisham A


I’m on board totally, I’m back to flushing (tempo needed of course) the ball again and my scores are way better. Your book was a great reminder to me that you don’t swing in bits, so it shouldn’t be taught in bits and you shouldn’t think in bits. Throw the ball! Yes!

choose your image

Pope C

New Zealand

Read your book last night and took timeouts to throw the ball, throw the club etc. and was starting to understand what you were getting at while reading. 

This morning I went to the driving range to try this out. I’m 63 and have lost lots of distance but holy shit! Without thinking I hit my irons so good. I honestly hit my 9, 7 and 5 irons at least 15 yards further and straight. You may have saved me from giving it up. Thanks again.

choose your image

Tim H

United States

I just ordered Unf*ck Your Golf Swing. I did the exercises for about an hour yesterday. Went to the range today and almost immediately started flushing my 7 iron with little effort or swing thought. I love the feeling of actually swinging the club and throwing the club head through the ball. 

Also helped to hit my driver and 3 wood more consistent as well. I took 6 lessons last year and was constantly watching video clips to try and improve my mechanics and compress the ball. I had WAY too many swing thoughts going through my head that playing a round of golf was no longer fun. Looking forward to playing a round tomorrow by myself with this new swing.

Thank You!!!

Kyle W

United States

I was ready to give the book 1 star after reading it. Thought there'd be no way that the philosophy was going to do anything and I was annoyed there wasn't better instruction.

Then I went to the range, and, after being totally lost with my swing for months dealing with shanks, I hit the ball purer and more consistently than I ever have just by focusing on throwing the club. Amazing.

Thank you!

Mark G

United States

Got in my first round after reading the book and my distance and accuracy were definitely increased with my irons and driver. 

Hit several drives that were the longest I’ve hit while on the course by an average of 20-30 yards. Looking forward to my next range session and round to see how it goes with more time in UN-FUCKING my swing. 

I am amazingly surprised at the quick turnaround and now I have to time to do other things besides watch YouTube golf videos!

John M

United States

First I wanted to say thanks, I am having fun again.

I went out and played golf not golf swing. Shot a few strokes lower than recently. Just focusing on methods in the book! Thank you!

Matt H

United States

I am, or I was, that guy. I have watched hundreds of U tube and Insta videos and tried lots of learning systems over the years. My Mom taught me to play when i was a kid. She kept it simple. But since then I have had lessons from dozens of teachers. some of them renown such as:

John Redman, Jimmy Ballard, Bradley Hughes and David Lee

I have tried Gravity Golf, The One Plane swing and swing jacket, Tathata Golf, and most of the online gurus. In truth I love learning about golf and would watch or read something almost everyday. So I was really fucked.

I play to a 5 handicap and lack consistency. Last week I decided that after 55 years of playing golf and all these lessons i should probably stop changing my swing and instead change the way i think about playing the game. On that same day I downloaded and read your book. The effect was immediate. I completely stopped worrying about my swing faults ( I take the club away too far inside, always have and always will). I played two rounds  since and my only thought is hit the ball at the target. I am freed up and accepting that I am not going to hit every shot perfect. I had a great time, felt relaxed and worry free, scored well (76 and 77).

Not unusual for me to try something new and play good for a few days only to see the game get away from me again. I am hoping this time is different.

No more swing ideas, No more videos, just swing and play

Thanks for the book!

Joe G


Your book has freed me from the golfing depths of hell.

My game has been fkd since around the time when your friend AB started working with those stack and tilt guys… I lived in Scottsdale at the time and was dabbling with some mini tour events. I didn’t grow up with a coach, never had a formal lesson, I thought I’d try to improve… little did I know I was on a path of completely fucking myself up.

I have tried everything! Nothing worked. Golf had become so frustrating and physically painful trying to use all this modern golf instruction. About a month before I ran across your book, I had decided to take the rest of the year off, and possibly quit for good.

I’ve only played 3 rounds since reading your book, I shot even par and a couple under the other 2 rounds. Nothing earth shattering, but the best part is how easy and fun golf has been. These 3 rounds have been a complete 180* - physically, mentally and emotionally.

To say I’m grateful would be an understatement!"

Ben M


Just wanting to let you know after reading all your material I dropped from GA16 handicap down to a GA 10 handicap but for some reason I got caught up in all social media BS & was struggling to play to anywhere near that.

Then you then brought out UNF#CK your golf swing book. Well I'm glad to say it put me back on track the last 2 weeks since reading & happy to say today I took out A grade monthly mug with a 5 over par (my best ever score) social or competition.

Thanks Cam for getting me back on track love your work



I’ve been recovering from minor hand surgery and I’m ready to start playing more and I want to get some more rounds under my belt with the Automatic Golf. 

I played today on a course I hadn’t played in 20 years, and with your system I shot a net 65, which was so much fun and as an added bonus my putting has just been amazing (according to my good friend). 

I’ve been looking for a key to unlock any potential and so far I believe I have found it!

Thank you very much!

David M


I broke my handicap by two in Wednesday's competition. Lost a shot.
Well, in today's comp I again had 38 points...

I believe your simplistic approach has really helped me....just practicing the ball and club drills and keeping my mind under control seems to be working...... thank you

John M


Read your “Unfuck Your Golf Swing” book and have played two rounds after about a week of working on the drills. As a background , I am a mid-90’s golfer. I scored an 82 and an 85 in those 2 rounds.

I have to say that after decades of instruction, videos, and advice from all sorts of numbnuts, your technique is the only thing that seems to finally have me on the right track. I am thrilled that I found your ad on Facebook. 

Definitely feel like you’ve got me headed down the right path.

Adam L


I read the book and played today.

And wow! Some great golf and most of all I actually enjoyed it!

Contact and shot shape was class with virtually zero effort. 

I ended my round not as fatigued mentally or physically!!

Thank you for your advice.

Martin B


I never normally send emails like these , but I would like to thank you for such a great book and your training drills.

After reading your book and watching your videos, I had a light bulb moment with my golf game.

I am guilty of watching hours of YouTube and Instagram reels on the technical side of the golf swing.

The thing that changed for me was my grip, I could never really feel comfortable with my hands using an overlocking golf grip and my swing didn't feel natural and free flowing.

After watching the clip you touched on with the grip and how to experiment with it, I grabbed a club and tried the baseball grip in my practice net.

My hands and swing felt free and I could for the first time, really feel the club through the entire swing.

My first game out on the golf course, I broke 90 for the first time!

It amazed to me how freely you can play when you don't have a million swing thoughts running through your head and just swinging!

Once again thanks so much ! The enjoyment I experienced on my last round was nothing I have encountered before on the golf course.

All the best !

Luke W


Just finished the book and watched the videos. Just amazing.

Yes I am a social media freak, but after reading the book I am now in detox from them.

Its summer here in SC and its about 110F outside now. So I have access to an indoor swing range opening soon and will go there to work on my game.

I was an 11 handicap but due to age and choking down social media I am up to 16. 

BTW I am 79 years old and in good shape. Will stay in touch and let you know how it goes in the sim bay.

Daniel C


I’ve been playing golf for about a year now and managed to get my game to a point where I was consistently shooting in the 100-110 range but hit a wall and couldn’t get any lower, I had lessons and watched all the videos but couldn't find out what I was doing wrong.

I was struggling to get any kind of distance with my clubs, and my confidence would be shot on the course when my swing wasn’t what I wanted it to be because I was constantly focusing on my swing, my hips, my bigger muscle groups because I was told that my trail arm was not how I get power and distance. I would occasionally nail shots and get good distance but I couldn’t work out what I did and how to replicate those shots.

I saw a lot of your ads and thought.... What have a I got to lose? I did like how it promoted simplifying your swing so I purchased your book and read it in one day.

All I can say is WOW! What a revelation!

Reading your book, a lot of things made sense and I couldn’t wait to get out and put your process into practice.

The same afternoon I went to the range to see if what you were saying was correct and I was amazed.

I was hitting my 7-iron around 110-125 fairly consistently, using your principle I started hitting it past the 150 marker. Now there were some bad shots but your principles made it easier to figure out what I was doing wrong and corrected it.

After a few bombs with the 7, I pulled the driver out eager to see what it did to my driver. I was hitting my driver fairly inconsistently previously but when I made good contact I could get the ball around 200m on a good day. Imagine my surprise when I started hitting the driver more consistently and not only that, I bombed that driver past the 250m marker and I had never, never even gotten close to that. I was filled with confidence as my slice was minimised and when I missed, I was able to do simple things like closing the club face to straighten my shots.

I was eager to get out on the course to put this into practice and I played 27 holes.

My first 9 I shot a 49, which was on target for me to break 100. I was not warmed up and a little hesitant but I was reasonably satisfied with that.

I kept to the process and shot a 42 on the back 9, I started nailing my drives and my approach shots and was enjoying my game and not stressing about my swing at all.

It was going so well I thought I’d play the front 9 again, I was loving the feeling of the driver in my hands and wanted to hit some more.

I shot a 39 on the front 9. A 39! I had never shot better than a 97 over 18 holes before reading your book.

IT WORKED. I was amazed, it was like I was seeing things for the first time and after struggling with trying to work out how to swing for a year, to not even worry about that part of my game was so much more enjoyable.

Thank you so much, you have successfully unfucked my golf swing and I’m excited to see how my golf game progresses with this cheat code you have unlocked.

Whoever thought that golf could be easy?

Thank you so much from a very grateful golfer!

Justin A


I just wanted to take a moment to say "Thank you!" for doing what you're doing. I read through your book "Unf*ck your golf swing" and it was such a breath of fresh air which came at just the right time.

To give you a little backstory; at the end of 2022, I was playing my best golf with shooting scores in the high 70s and low 80s. I then wanted to get more competitive and so I signed up for a league known as "The Grint" of which I began competing in 2023.

Before I even entered my first competition, I was a mess. I was overthinking every aspect of my game and constantly searching for the next thing that would "fix my issue" or "polish off my weaknesses" only to find that I never had any consistency not only in my golf game but my approach to the swing in general.

I know this is an area you harp on as being a must NOT do with regards to always changing it up but, this was prior to finding my way down this path. I was able to become successful in winning my first competitive tournament that year still but I very quickly lost it even harder the next tournament I signed up for.

While it was certainly not a season to hang my head over with the short found success, it certainly didn't have me loving the game either.

This brings me to this year where I decided to take a step back from competition and "unf*ck my swing" which was still prior to finding your material. I set out on a quest to find "my swing" and focus on "my approach" to make the game fun again and so I did.

I abandoned all of the nonsense I was writing down in notepad documents and removed all of the little "reminders" on my phone that I would read prior to entering a round and just focused on the one thing I had been so fond of in 2022, feel.

Growing up I was a great pitcher and hitter of the baseball. Even though my success ran out when it came to college ball, I still stayed a student of the throwing motion and swing. I found myself using my "fetch time" with my dog to really pay attention to how I use my arm and hand to move the ball through space and began to translate that to the golf swing.

I started feeling like a "hitter" once again. I was stepping into the batter's box and just looking for my pitch (of which I NEVER thought about the mechanics of my swing during baseball) so this feeling was invigorating to have again.

Here I am tossing all of this acquired "nonsense" that I have held onto for so long, out the window. I was simplifying the swing and removing all sorts of unnecessary thoughts and movements. Funny enough I have always done this for both my short game and putting within golf. Both areas of which I have ALWAYS gotten compliments on for being strong aspects of my game.

So why haven't I been doing this all along?

I kept asking myself. It's so easy to be sold "the fix" is why. I read your book only a couple weeks ago and then this past weekend I shot my second lowest score, 78.

The first time I have been back in the 70's since 2022. I had fun doing it and my swing is even more evolved than it was in 2022 when I used to hit such scores.

All of this babbling just to say "thank you", huh? Well, I wanted to share with you how your book has brought everything you teach back into perspective for me. Keep doing what you're doing as there is ONLY upside to what you're teaching. I'll be sharing this with many others.

Mike D


I love your book. It has helped me a lot. I have unfucked my golfswing and working on making it an automatic movement. I am dedicating more time on the course and less on the driving range.

I told one of my buddies about the book and it has also helped him! it is simply amazing.

Rafael U


You won’t believe it. I went out today and played 9 holes and had 4 birdies. I have never had 2 birdies in an 18 hole round, never mind 9 holes. I shot a 1 under par 35. Even the bogies I had were bad chips or flying the green because I hit the ball farther than I usually do. My 6-iron used to go 155 and went at least 175 today. I have been playing in to “90” range the last couple of years. I can’t remember when I have broken par on 9 holes.

I have listened to your audio book 10 times while I am driving, and I get something more from it each time.  I can’t believe how well I am hitting the ball. Remembering the club head is my friend has been huge. I used to block everything out to the right on my drives so I have been closing the club head , but now that my brain is learning I hardly have to close the head any longer.

Long straight drives. I have a GPS and my drives are averaging 240 to 250 yard. Not bad for a 60 year old. 

You are no bullshit! I have never had so much fun playing golf.

As I mentioned in my last email I had quit golf but you have resurrected me.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Rick P