Cameron Strachan's and Golf Marketing Services' Refund Policy Page

Please check out my Refund Policy Below

Updated September 2024

General Product Refund Policy - includes all ebooks and training courses (this includes, but is not limited to, Look & Shoot and UnF*ck Your Golf Swing purchases):

There are no "this was not what I was expecting" refunds on purchases. Digital items include, but are not limited to, online courses, ebooks, videos, audios and other content stored on my training portal.

Let me be very clear: There are no refunds on digital purchases whatsoever (unless otherwise stated). So please take your time and read everything about each product and make an informed decision at each step you take. If you have any doubts about my claims and/or what my coaching is about, please don't make a purchase today.

If you choose not to buy, there are no hard feelings on my end. 99.96% of the golf population haven't seen my products either.

One more thing on the refund: I have been selling online since 2004. And in that time I've had 1000s of customers from all parts of the globe. Some of my best clients have remained friends for many years and it has been an honour to have helped them.

And I used to always offer a refund on my products but four things have really hit home recently.

1. The coaching ideals are solid and worth every penny and I don't need to offer refunds to sell it. This comes from a position of strength rather than neediness to sell to every golfer who comes to this website.

2. My best clients (and this comes from having thousands of them) are not looking for a guarantee before they start. They have an open mind and are prepared to dig deep into the concepts WITHOUT needing some guarantee before they start. Simply, my best clients have the courage to leave behind the stuff they know ISN'T helping and they start to trust in their amazing learning system.

3. The landscape online has changed considerably over the last 2 or 3 years. There are many scammers, hackers and to be honest, scumbags who take advantage of any refund policy. They make a purchase and then ask for an immediate refund. And while the odd refund request was part of business, this was happening so often that I tired of dealing with these peeps. If you're in any doubt whatsoever about my claims and the validity of my digital products (including e-books, courses, videos, audios etc), I respectfully ask you NOT to purchase from me.

4. I love coaching and helping people and this is also my business. It just doesn't seem fair to me that one would purchase something, consume the content and then ask for a refund. This wouldn't be possible in most other businesses.

Extra thoughts: I have gone to great lengths to explain what each product is about and how it can help you. If you have any doubt whatsoever, I ask you respectfully, not to purchase anything. Just some of the excuses that are NOT grounds for a refund:

This was not what I was expecting

I wanted a hardcover, not a digital item or I wanted the digital item and not a hardcopy.

This has not helped me and doesn't work

The book/course/content does not apply to me

I can't login (please take your time and follow the instructions. 99.99% of issues are user error)

I have lost my password

I have lost my product

I thought this was something else

Amazon (or "other" company) offers a refund on their products so you should too

I didn't mean to order - I accidentally entered my details and pressed the "buy now" button

The shopping cart added this to my order and I didn't want it (hint: no it didn't) 

Again, please take your time to make an informed decision and if anything bothers you please don't make a purchase. No hard feelings.

This refund policy applies to all purchases and includes main products, bump and upsell offers.

Note: in the very rare instance that your order has been duplicated (it happens if the "buy now" button is pushed twice in quick succession) then the duplicate order will be refunded. Please contact us (email) to arrange.

We also reserve the right to charge an admin fee of $7.95 for refund requests that are user error.

Physical Item Refund: There are the usual consumer protection warranties in place for defective items. Simply, if you receive a physical item from me and it's broken or defective in some way, please notify me right away and the item will be replaced. I do not offer guarantees on physical items with respect to your golfing performance - i.e. if you open and use the item, there is no refund possible. This refund policy covers the Dot Putter, Swing Trainer, ChipMaster Pro, other training aides and other physical items. Any refund offered does not include any shipping charges. Shipping charges may be deducted from any refund claim and/or may be charged to send a replacement. All physical items will need to be shipped back to me at YOUR cost.

If you receive a physical item and are not sure about it then please consider the following:

a. do not open or use the product

b. email me immediately and notify me of your concern

c. post the item back to me (I will send you the postal address)

d. a refund will be issued (less any freight costs incurred by me) once item has been safely returned

e. if the item has been used or damaged this may affect the refund amount

Business Information:If you have any questions or concerns about this refund policy then please contact me via the email address below.

Auscreations P/L trading as Golf Marketing Services

PO Box 11003, Centenary Heights QLD, 4350, Australia

ABN: 50 106 538 032

That’s about it from me. If you have any questions or concerns please direct them through this page. You can read about my golf coaching philosophy here.