
How To Play Your Best Golf
Without Complicated Golf Theories or Any Awkward Body Positions 

The Natural Learning Methodology That Bypasses The Technical Approach And Unlocks Your A-game

Hi, I'm Cameron Strachan, a golf coach and author from Queensland, Australia.

For the last 20 years or so, I've been educating golfers on how they are making the game much harder than it needs to be... showing how anyone struggling out on the course needs to learn to take things away, not add to the complexity.

My brand new 'Golf Mastery System' is a golf training focused entirely on what I call a 'Learning Based Methodology (or LBM for short).

It's all about LEARNING in a way that suits you, because it's all presented in a way the athletic side of your brain can understand and process into action.

I have bypassed all the technical rubbish and lead you on a journey of self discovery and great enjoyment. And don't worry, the end result is way better scores (or a lower handicap or longer drive or better swing etc)

The Golf Mastery System is for golfers:

Who believe they have the talent and skill inside themselves to play better golf. They just need to know how to unlock it consistently
Who have tried all the theories (and bought new clubs and training aides) but still don’t play anywhere near their best.
Who are excited about unlocking their natural golf game and testing it out each time they play
Who care about playing freely and without fear and complication
Who understand that a better game is just one part of golf. You appreciate that when golf is approached from a learning perspective, can have profound influence on all areas of the game. Like enjoyment and insight and deeper satisfaction.
LBM goes way beyond the usual tips and putting theories you’ve tried in the past (like, swing plane, grip theories, body pivot, spine angle etc). It’s based on a learning methodology that enhances your performance as well as your overall enjoyment. And all this happens simultaneously.
LBM is a principles based approach (think: a proper strategy that works with your body and mind) to make golfing success no harder than throwing a ball or driving a car.
Key Point: The main thing here is to start thinking less about stroke mechanics or your clubs and learning to let your natural learning system do the heavy lifting (like getting the ball from point A to point B). This is exactly how we’re designed to function.

If this all sounds great and has gotten you interested, please read on.

G'day Cam,

How many people do you know who can honestly say "my golf coach changed my life?". I know it's bandied around by a few who have suddenly mastered the lob wedge, stopped slicing randomly when under pressure, but changed your life? I'm an exception.

I first stumbled across your ideas five or six years ago and within a year or so had sorted my golf game. You helped me free my brain as I played. Ask any golfer his handicap and he'll say 19 but I want to get to 15 (or 26 or 18 etc). I was no different and for years had been tantalising close to the magical (in my brain) single figures holy grail. And of course the harder I tried … well you know the old story.

So along comes Cameron Strachan and the game becomes fun again. No more belting the ground in anger or walking the second nine feeling my life was a waste because I'd had 13 points on the front. Golf is a game to be enjoyed Wayne - never forget that again. Yes I've played off single figures but way way better than that, I'm now a golfer who enjoys the game.

Wayne, the Veggie Farmer - Australia

Thoughts from Cameron:

This is why I am so passionate about this kind of golf learning. There’s more substance to the results. It goes deeper. And it’s way more enjoyable. The Golf Mastery System gets you away from some weird tip straight off the Golf Channel and allows you to connect with the sport in a much more meaningful way. When a golfer learns to trust himself and enjoy the art of playing the game, the sky really is the limit to how far one can go.

And this success can certainly be measured by handicap or the scores you shoot. But my best clients, like Wayne from above, get deeper satisfaction and enjoyment. They are able to take their game to a level they probably only ever dreamed about.

The Golf Mastery system walks you through the process of Playing Golf in a way that suits you, and  coaches you through a methodology that allows you to do this all the time.

Sidenote: I am not promising you’ll never hit a bad shot and you'll play off a scratch handicap in 5 minutes. This kind of rubbish is what makes golf too hard and gives golf coaching a bad name. My GMS gives you a roadmap for unlocking your most consistent (and powerful) game and then allowing you to take that to the course. I'm going to show you a system that allows you to play your very best when the pressure is on.

Here's an example of how it all works:

You are faced with a pressure round of golf. The kinda round you would normally stuff up.

Instead of getting distracted by all the noise, you have a process that keeps you calm and your mind focused.

And because you have locked into your best version of your OWN golf stroke, you have an inner confidence that you can hit the ball to the target. There are no surprises. There’s no guessing.

You now have a process for walking to the ball, getting set and hitting the ball with conviction (by the way, most other theories or concepts don’t give this part anywhere near enough attention)

Where once you would miss-hit the ball badly and get really nervous, you are able to now get the ball into play a huge percentage of the time. This also increases your confidence.

Your golfing buddies now comment on you being an “ice man” because you rarely stuff up  when it counts

You are able to repeat YOUR process on each and every shot you now face. And because you're now working with your inbuilt learning system, you find golf way more easy and enjoyable (almost no other traditional golf learning covers this aspect)

The nuances between the technical and learning approach are subtle but nonetheless profound. You are now able to play golf with far greater enjoyment and satisfaction. While your golfing mates are still lost, trying to fix their grip or remember what they saw on the Golf Channel, you will run rings around them (and take their money).

There is more to golf than just the swing (technical stuff). Real breakthroughs occur when you delve deeper into the process and play with full awareness. Awareness of your thoughts and feelings. And then having the resilience (and courage) to do what feels right to you.

Instead of shallow tips and tricks that have left you short changed. I go deep. I want to challenge you to break the shackles of a technical mindset and get you playing how you know you can.

I want you to explore and find your natural golf swing. This is your authentic swing that can deliver results time after time and will feel so good, your golf clubs will become an extension of your body.

As I've already said to you, this isn't 'quick fix' instruction, however, when you start to think about the game differently- 

You’ll become a better golfer Starting Immediately!

And this is the beauty of a learning methodology. Because learning is learning and golf is a complete system.

So you’ll see breakthroughs in your entire golf game.

My best clients report back to me and say things like, “Cameron, I love this stuff, it has really helped me. I am playing with way less confusion and far greater consistency. Golf is no longer a mystery to me.”.

I love this kind of feedback. This is what real coaching is all about and what is so wrong with quick tip instruction.

With a learning mindset you open yourself up to all sorts of new possibilities. You may even surprise yourself at how good you really are.

Just so I am clear: The Golf Mastery System (GMS) is not about just technique or golf swing mechanics. And it’s certainly not some quick-fix gimmick with the promise of an instant cure (but I do cover some important technical aspects, but the information is presented in a more profound way).

I want you to move past all this technique and become a master golfer. A mentally stable golfer with a bullet-proof attitude who’s ready to play your best. I want you to take what you learn inside GMS and shake the living crap out of it.

I want you to putt, chip and swing without fear and self-doubt and truly unleash your best version of your golf game on the world. And I want you to have the time of your life doing it.

If all this resonates with you I know you’ll love the content inside GMS. It will change your approach and your thoughts about learning and golfing. And I have no doubt that it will give you the kind of golf game that you know you’re capable of.

If you’ve been stuffing around, playing poorly, being way too inconsistent, not enjoying golf and finding the game too hard…

If you have tried all the theories and all sorts of gimmicks and training aides but still can’t get the ball into the hole …

Then you owe it to yourself to do something about it. GMS will show you how.

Product Information

The Golf Mastery System is in electronic form (there is nothing posted to you). You can access the training information immediately, even if it's 2AM. The course is presented in five key ways:

1.  Full Training Videos - These online videos come from one of the world's first natural learning seminars. You get the full story behind the natural learning process, including real life examples of golfers being put through their paces. 

2. Supporting Lessons/insights - There's a whole range of bonus materials (video, text and audios) that complement the content you'll learn in the main training. This has been done because of all the nuance at play. Different things work for different golfers and I like to attack the process from all angles.

3. Access to Automatic Golf Reboot - My 6 week course that breaks down the natural learning process in bite sized chunks so you can’t help but hardwire the best mental, mindset and attitude into your game. Normal value is $147

4. Access to my Automatic Golf Bible - this is perhaps my most important book. I share with you the most important discovery into natural learning and peak golf performance. You’ll discover the true way to simplify your game and get better results with the least amount of effort. Comes with supporting video and bonus training. Full value $197 +

5. Your personal golf review - here's how this usually works. Complete the course. Write down any questions you may have. Get someone to shoot a short video of you playing a shot(s) out on the golf course. Make sure you go through your complete routine and then forward that video to me. I'll do a personal review of your swing/game and send it back to you. I'll share my thoughts on what you're doing well and what you're not. This is perhaps the ultimate way to fast-track your performance.

6. Follow up lessons via email - you will receive ongoing lessons from me via email that dig even deeper into the program and keep you on track and focused. This is something I have only just started doing and is NOW one of the most important aspects of my VIP training.

Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure (please read the below before proceeding):

This product is essentially my entire online natural learning/automatic golf training suite. You also get access to me via a private golf game review. This is essentially a private golf lesson with me where I break down your current game with a video review. You’ll get private lessons, tips and insight into HOW you can maximise your instinctive game.

All pricing is in USD. Item is 100% electronic (online) there is nothing posted to you in the mail. This item is not available as a hardcopy

Refund Policy:

There are no refunds available for this purchase because the coaching is so profound that you can’t “unsee” it. When a golfer fully embraces the natural learning approach it’s almost impossible not to get better and make significant progress. 

If you are unsure about this, then please don't purchase.


You can consume the training (and other material) as quickly or as slowly as you need. This is not a race and I actually encourage you to take your time and really let the processes sink in. You get lifetime access to the member's portal. You have 6 months from the purchase date to take me up on the personal golf game review. 

The Shopping Cart:

 I use the ThriveCart shopping cart and I believe it's the best in the business (I've tried 10+ different options and nothing comes close). It's super secure and your details are safe.

You can pay with PayPal or with your credit card.

Please be sure to double check your email address (any typo will result in a delay in receiving access credentials)

Your personal details are 100% safe. I don't ever rent, sell or offload your information.

You'll receive your own login credentials immediately after your order has processed. If you have ordered previously you’ll be able to login with your existing credentials.

If you're not sure what this Golf Mastery is about, please read this

Good golfing,

Cameron Strachan

Order Golf Mastery

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